The Whizzard of Wyckoff Hits the Big Time:

Dewey Takes on Hollywood

Since this page went up, I've received hundreds of emails asking me to quit being so tightlipped about Dewey's limelit past. I kept telling people that what Dewey wants, more than anything else, is the anonymity enjoyed by other cats.

But the press couldn't leave it there. The reporters following him around, the photographers hiding in the shrubs, the honey-dripping phone calls from Lesley Stahl -- none of them were going to go away until Dewey bared his soul. And so Dewey has authorized me to tell his tale.

And what a tale it is.

Great Expectations
Building a Career
In the Spotlight

N.B.: These three links will only bring you to the beginning of each section. To view the full chapters, follow the "Next" links at the bottom of each page.

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